Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 - Begining of the new year

At the beginning of 2009 I sent out a PD (Personal Development) mail to all those folks who receive such a mail from me every week.

An extract of that mail is reproduced below;

"Wishing all of you the very best for the new year. Hope that 2009 brings you success, happiness & peace.
Would like to share some simple tips to ensure the same. First make a list of all the happenings (at least 10) which you count as your blessings during 2008 & then make a list of 10 blessings which you would like to come true during 2009. At the end of the year, you should be able to look back at this 2009 list with a lot of satisfaction, as you would have achieved ALL or MOST of them !!!!"

If you have created this list of “blessings to come true” at the beginning of 2009, this is the ideal time to pull it out and check on the number of things which you have achieved. Even if you cannot locate the original paper on which this was written down, you can cull your memory and will still re-create the list as the things which you really want, are not easily forgotten. I am very sure that if you were sincere in your desire for those things, you would have definitely achieved all of them.

If you had not created such a list last year, this can be a very good time to do both again;
Make a list of your blessings in 2009
And draw up a list of blessings which you would like to come true in 2010

This my dear friends is not just some “New Year Resolutions” list which disappears as fast as it was created. The difference between both might seem very small, but it is a significant one..

On my part, I can definitely guarantee that the process works. I have seen it happening in my own life on multiple occasions & therefore it is not just some co-incidence of events happening together. Interestingly if you have read the articles which I have sent out over the last 3 years, you will notice that similar themes re-occur in the articles written by different writers. In fact if you study many religious texts, you will also find similar concepts expressed in different ways. Humankind is aware of the concept for many centuries now & all of us have been exposed to it in multiple ways.

Some of us choose to express this gratitude in the form of prayer while others in the form of appreciation, while others with the 3 simple words “Thank you God”. Interestingly whether you choose to believe in a single God or on multiple manifestations, or not at all – Gratitude will always be experienced, even if not expressed. If you do not express gratitude towards others & the greater force around us, this could be a good time to start When you express “gratitude” for the blessings you have received in 2009, you are setting yourself up for further success in 2010 for the blessings which you sincerely desire.

Again this is achieved not due to some divine force, but your own focus which drives the right actions in the right way with the right (positive) attitude. Your sincere desire for the 2010 blessings works by harnessing all your internal resources. All your thoughts, actions & deeds focus on achieving your objective at the conscious as well as the unconscious levels. This positive energy flow which you are able to tap into, connects to the positive energy flow of other individuals & events which ultimately leads to your objective. This perspective might be difficult to digest for folks who prefer to work strictly within the boundaries of their own rationality, but even they need to understand that there are many things within the boundaries of rationality today, which were seemingly irrational at some point of time in the past.

It is my wish that you should achieve all that you sincerely desire during 2010 & have all your blessings come true.

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